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Similar to watering, you should also say goodbye to the idea of ​​“a lot helps a lot” when fertilizing as quickly as possible. Over-fertilized plants simply cannot process the mass of nutrients. They grow worse, don’t taste good and, in the worst case, can “burn” .


Grow over-fertilization

If your plants suffer from what is known as nutrient burn, the leaves will develop yellow or brown tips and edges . The tips of the leaves curl up and the discoloration moves to the inside of the leaf. Eventually the tips die.

The supply of nutrients to your plants also interacts with one another. An oversupply (through over-fertilization) of one nutrient can very well lead to a deficiency of other nutrients. In this case, you should definitely not try to remedy the deficiency symptoms by adding more fertilizer.


Seedlings overfertilize immediately

The risk of over-fertilization is particularly high with seedlings . The seeds contain all the important nutrients for this sensitive phase, which is why you should definitely use unfertilized potting soil . Only when the seedling has developed enough of its own roots (1-2 weeks) should you repot it into a larger pot with potting soil. Potting soil is usually pre-fertilized , so you shouldn’t add any additional fertilizer here either.


Check and correct pH value and EC value

Both values ​​must be in the optimal range to ensure optimal nutrient supply to your grow. If the pH value of the soil is not adjusted correctly, nutrients in the leaves cannot be processed properly and nutrient burn occurs.

The optimal pH value when growing on soil is between 6.0 and 7.0 . If the EC value is too high, then your grow medium may be salty, which can lead to a nutrient lockout.

What looks like a lack of nutrients is actually a barrier in the soil. The required minerals cannot be absorbed by the plant because the soil is oversaturated with salts.

Our Growmart tip in the blog : Measuring and correcting the pH value You can order the right pH measuring devices and EC measuring devices from us!


Grow Overfertilization Causes

Excessive, well-intentioned or simply incorrect use of grow fertilizer are the main causes of nutrient burn in plants. The manufacturers of grow fertilizers also contribute to this. Often 20% of the amount stated on the package is enough.

You should also make sure to use the right, well-balanced fertilizer.

If over-fertilization occurs after young plants have been repotted, then it is usually due to the pre-fertilized potting soil. In this case, it is usually enough to give the plant 1-2 weeks to fully process the nutrients contained in the soil.


Grow overfertilization what to do

If your plants show the signs of overfertilization described above , then you should rinse or flush the grow . Flood the soil or pot with pure water and then wait 10 minutes before rinsing a second time. The EC value of the drain should not be more than 50 ppm.

If you don’t add any additional nutrients or fertilizer, the plants should recover on their own.

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